What’s #sarkari?
A weekly newsletter which attempts to make processes, problems and people working within the government more visible and simplified.
Why subscribe?
As someone who never thought of working in the government till it happened, my child-like curiosity of all things government has been hard to shake off even after 6 years of being inside.
This newsletter is written by that child.
See the archive to understand what to expect.
It’ll mostly be me, but I’ll try to bring in other public sector voices too.
Why do this?
Governments play an extremely important role (duh) but most of us know very little about how the soup is made, the people involved and their kitchenware. Sure, the top-chefs have written post retirement tell-alls, but what about Alfredo Linguini and more importantly the Remys which make governments work?
If you are interested the public sector and public policy, I hope these writings help bridge and translate the government for you.
And if you are someone working in the public sector, I hope these writings are relatable and make you feel a little less alone.
Why do I end my posts with ‘Submitted Please’?
That’s how most people in the government sign their files before pushing them across.
“Submitted please for your perusal and further action if any” and that fits the purpose of the newsletter.
Earlier the newsletter was also named the same, but I realized it was an inside joke which many on the outside didn’t get. The whole point of the newsletter was to make working in the government more visible and approachable, hence I decided to change the name to #sarkari.